Yesterday Jansse and I took an afternoon opportunity to go for a hike, just the two of us. He really wanted to get up to the "second bridge" along the creek, someplace he'd never been to before. It ends up being approximately 5 miles round trip, be he did it. Here he is, reaching his goal!
He loved every minute of it.
Now, a couple of quick updates: In my last post I mentioned Wyatt, my cousin's son. He's home now, and with his very supportive family. They continue to need prayers as they learn more about controlling his diabetes with diet and exercise to help the insulin be most effective and to help his blood sugars be stabilized. But, let me tell you, as I expected, they are rock solid in faith that this will be do-able and that God has somethings to teach them as they go through this process.
Last Wednesday (my last post) was a . . . well, lets call it a bad day, although it had some joyful moments. Anyway, it didn't end with that post. Woke up in the middle of the night with a lower G.I. illness that does not need details here, except to say I lost several hours of sleep. And, unknown to me at the time, a friend died that day. Pat Goldsworthy was a dear woman I knew from church. She had struggled with cancer for some time, but she also had a real hope in going to see Jesus - and her husband who made the trip home before her. She will be missed.
I counted up, and in the last six months we've had 16 days without company. That is not very many. But, starting tomorrow evening, we will have a chance to increase that number some. Yes, our current guest has found someplace else to live, and we will be a quiet family of three once again. That will be good! And, when this young man moved in my biggest goal was to have him move out without some horrible argument being the triggering event. I don't think he's ever left a household without that, and we did it (unless something terrible happens in the next 24 hours). That is a gift from God. And I will give thanks!
So, busy week with a fundraiser at Jansse's school and a couple of dinner dates. But all is looking well, and we are excited to see what is around the corner for us - after a couple good nights sleep, of course!
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