Monday, November 2, 2009


So, it's the second day of November, and things are humming along here.

I feel better. Yep, completely better. Since mid-July I struggled with mystery disease that caused extreme physical fatigue. Now, I don't. Deserves a post of its own some day, so I'll think about how to do that. Just a hint, prayer is a big part of this story!

Last Friday was the recitation at J's school. He had a big part in the Latin class' play:

And his forth grade class recited "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere" - a very exciting poem, I might add! It was wonderful.

Sometimes people who don't really know much about our school assume it is a serious and relatively unjoyful place because it has high standards for character development, behavior and academics and because any school that teaches Latin to elementary age kids must be terrible, don't you know. But I think the sheer glee in this young man's face (below) is evidence that we are not unjoyful, and the tie is absolute proof that we are not overly serious.

This young man was part of the fifth grade play which was absolutely hilarious! Those kids have them some dramatic flare!

It was so fun to see all the kids reciting poems, performing in plays, and having a great time showing off their wonderful knowledge and skills! I LOVE this school!

J is home from school today - parent teacher conferences - and has a little buddy here to play. They are tromping around in the brown fields looking for things to shoot with the bow and arrow.

We had a wonderful dinner with friends over last night. Fellowshipping with dear friends just warms my heart and reminds me of how good God is. Just think about it: he made us social beings to be in relationship with people. What a gift that is!

On my plate this week:

  • Andy's time sheets need to be turned into office billing and submitted;
  • Hoping to get a peek at the kittens our friends' cat had a couple weeks ago - so we can pick one out to be our own when it's old enough;
  • Going to a friends house to help plan a scrapbooking/papercrafting event;
  • Dinner at my sister-in-law's house (I'm to bring dessert, and my boys want a pumpkin pie);
  • Working on the five crowns I'm making and Christmas gifts for J and some of his cousins;
  • Hopefully re-instituting a daily walk for exercise!
  • Finishing up my last senior photo editing and moving on to editing some family photos I've taken over the last many weeks - I'm still behind in editing (see mention above of several months of fatigue), but I'm catching up, and that gives me great hope.
  • Getting at least one, and maybe as many as four more trees to cut up for firewood.

Whew! That's a fun week, but probably kind of busy too.

Hope your November is off to a fantastic start!


Larajc said...

you have quite the list going! Sending you strength to accomplish it all!

Denise said...

My nephews and niece go to a school where they are taught Latin from day 1 and as you progress to other grades you learn Spanish and Latin. That school is over brimming with joy, so I know a little about what you are speaking of. :o) Your list has exhausted me. Just think this morning I was whining about having to do one thing. LOL!