Friday, March 5, 2010

I'm Dreaming of . . .

So many things I'm dreaming of these days.  Seems like the list could be endless, but I'm going to share at least a portion of it.  Here it goes:
  • A clean house.  Yep, if you saw my post on excellence a few posts ago, you might remember that getting my house clean was high on my list of being required to achieve excellence in my life.  And this is the weekend set aside for cleaning.  I started when I got home from work tonight and now there is actually one completely spotless room in my house - the bathroom.  Even washed the log walls!  Now, just two more bathrooms, six bedrooms, two livingrooms, one kitchen, one scrapbooking/craft room, two stairwells, a dinning room and two hallways to go.
  • Doing more scrapbooking and other crafts.  The scrapbook store in town closed a year ago this month, and a new one, with the same owner plus two more partners is opening up later this month.  So hopefully I'll have my life in order so that I can do more of this:
  • I dream of teaching scrapbooking again because I miss it!  I've been asked to put together some class proposals - and not just pages, but projects.  It will take hours to clean my room well enough to make good use of it, so I doubt I'll get anything done this weekend.  But, it is coming!
  •  I dream of completed taxes.  I was supposed to finish them last weekend, but it didn't happen.  I did make substantial progress, but there is more to do.  I had to leave the project behind and do law office billing this week, so once the house is clean I will finish that up.
  • I dream of organization.  I'm craving it right now!  I need it!  My job requires it.  My family needs it.  It will allow me to go forward with so many other dreams.  It will create an environment of productivity and the opportunity for fun!
  • I dream of spring!  It always happens this time of year.  With the month of March will come the Sandhill Cranes, melting snow, thunder storms, snow flurries, green grass by the end of the month, light mornings and enough light in the evenings to walk after work, and lots and lots and lots of mud.  Ah, spring!
  • I dream of eating clean.  I love to eat clean, but it requires me to be organized (see dream above) and so I haven't done as well at it as I would like.  But I am looking forward to cooking well and eating well as I have less clutter around me and the time to take a deep breath.
  • I dream of being caught up on finances.  And with my new job it is in our grasp.  It will take a few months and good discipline and planning, but the opportunity to do this right is here.  My courageous and hard working husband is making it work at his office without much of my support, and I am helping to relieve some of the money burdens with my job.  That leaves room for him to implement his financial plans and for us to accomplish our goals of being out of debt in the foreseeable future.  Wow!  It's huge!  It's hopeful!  It's encouraging!  It's a light at the end of a tunnel that just didn't seem to ever end.  Even just four months ago it seemed the tunnel would go on for at least a decade or more, but now it will be under two years.  Praise God!
  • And right now, I dream of going to bed.  Of putting my head on my pillow.  Of snuggling into the curve of my husband's warm body.  Of being warm and peaceful and well rested!
With that, I say good night and sweet dreams to all!


Ursula Schneider said...

I can definately relate to most of those dreams. I am working on the organization thing myself and agree that it does open up so many other things. However, it is a lot of work to get there and difficult for me to realize the other dreams until I'm truly done.

Cari Skuse said...

I'm working on some of those dreams too, like a clean house. I did get it 1/2 done yesterday, but I need to do a thorough spring cleaning soon...including washing the walls down, washing windows and screens, etc. I always start out with good intentions, but get side-tracked or tired before I complete all the rooms.
Good Luck with your dreams!