Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 Is Here

You already know this, but I like to say it any way - 2008 is already in progress. I'm a bit nervous about this. I don't usually do resolutions - they scare me, and I can never think of anything realistic. But, as I was browsing some blogs I found the following list, and thought I might be able to do that. So, I cut and pasted, and here it goes.
One habit you'd like to break totally: How about watching T.V. It is such a waste of time, with little to offer me, and it prevents me from doing some things I really want to do - like scrap booking and crafting, or playing games with Jansse.
One person you'd like to get to know better: Kristii L., a member of the Keepsakes By Design design team and a really great scrapbooker. She is just a sweet woman, and I think we could become close if given the chance. I know she's a believer, and already that has given us a foundation to build a friendship on, so I'm hopeful I can get this done.
One random act of kindness that you'd like to make a habit this year: Being an encourager to people I don't necessarily know well. I sort of started this with a woman I met through the Two Peas In A Bucket web site, and it seems to be something God calls me to continue.
Something that you'd like to own by the end of 2008: A smaller, better gas milage car. I feel so guilty riding around in such a gas hog when we are such a small family.
Something that you'd like to get rid of by the end of 2008: Besides many pounds, I'd like to get rid of much of the paper stored in our house but not needed.
One change you'd like to see in your life in 2008: More laughter, especially with Jansse and Andy
One thing you'd like to memorize in 2008: A Bible verse a week. That would be a good start.
Something that you'd like to improve on: My indoor photography.
Something you'd like to learn in 2008: Enough Latin to be able to help Jansse when he begins the class in September
Something you're looking forward to this year: Going to the Inspired Artist Workshop in North Carolina.
One thing you're going to make sure does NOT happen in 2008: Leave taxes until the last moment.
One person that you want to be closer to this year: Cheryl A. - she's already a good friend, but I'd like to spend more time with her if possible.
One old acquaintance that you'd like to reconnect with this year: Just about any of them.
One place you want to visit this year: Oak trees in California - perferable in Oakhurst, but the East Bay would also be acceptable.
One thing that you'll move from 2007's to do list to 2008's to do list: Weight loss - and lots of it!


Jenn said...

Nice list...I'm not a very big resolution kind of gal, either. I think the resolutions are usually to BIG to be realistic.

Fuzzy said...

I did it! Your list seems pretty attainable, good luck!