Friday, January 25, 2008

Beauty all around us...

This is what the view out Jansse's bedroom window looked like last Monday morning - going into the full moon cycle. It was a frosty -27*, but as you can see, it was going to be a clear day. The sun wasn't up yet, but there was just a peacefulness to the blue landscape.

Later, at the tail end of the afternoon, that full moon began to show itself before the sun went down. This photo is one I took at the top of Gouch Hill, about 4 miles from our home. One of those driving times when I just catch my breath and try to focus on driving instead of on the beauty God provides.
When I got closer to town I found this view of that same moon! It is just hauntingly beautiful!

So, that's it for today - just wanted to share a little of what we get around here. Off to do battle with a very busy weekend - unfortunately, nothing too interesting, so I won't have any great blogging topics unless something unexpected happens.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Wickland said...

Susan Beth, that picture is BEAUTIFUL! You should print an 8x12 and scrapbook it!