Anyway, that is something for me to figure out as I go.
Here are a few photos with some highlights. In this first pic I'm with the five women who I shared a table with in every one of the workshops, and the couple (Bill and Donna Downey) who put the event on.
I also had the opportunity to get to know Barb, my friend from the scrapbooking book club who went with me. We were not in the same class group, which was sad at first, but then, I realized it just gave me the opportunity to expand my friendship horizons. Plus, by traveling and rooming together we had plenty of opportunities to get to know each other. She was the most pleasant and tolerant traveling companion I ever had. No stress traveling with her! Wonderful! Wonderful lady! And, she got me into some of the elective classes, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed!
I had never been to the East Coast before, and Concord North Carolina was not even a place I had heard of, although you NASCAR fans know all about it, since I am given to understand the Lowes Motor Speedway is like the NASCAR capital of the world. We stayed at the Embassy Suites Spa and Resort there. This is a photo of it from an early morning walk I took on the golf course.
It was so warm there! I loved it~ although there was a hint at humidity, and my "used to the very dry of Montana" sensitives picked up on that quickly. I can see where it would become overwhelming in the summer!
But, with the warmth were also amazing signs of spring. Since Barb and I got there a day early, we had a chance to take a cab to down town Concord and walk around a bit. On that outing my camera battery died, so I didn't get photos of everything we saw, but I did get a few. I love dogwood, and they had it to beat the band there. Isn't it beautiful!
We also went to see the historic Court house for the county, which has been turned into an art museum and theater. It was so cool.
This is the website for the museum: We saw an exhibit for a local artist named Jennie Martin Tomlin, and her paintings were wonderful. Primarily watercolor, but she did some fun interesting techniques that really ended up relating to our classes as far as incorporating texture and unusual techniques. It was great to see that an be in awe just before we went to learn so much about out of the box art!
I have six awesome projects to share, but they need a bit of finishing. So, hopefully in the next couple of weeks I'll have a chance to share them, a little about the instructors, and some of my dreams of how to incorporate the techniques I learned into future art projects.
This was a wonderful event, and I am so thankful that I was able to go. I want to tell you all that I have the most wonderful husband to support me in doing this! And, while I loved the event, it was also very wonderful to return to the loving arms and company of my husband and son!
Glad you had such a great time. I can't wait to see your projects. Maybe you can share some of the enthusiasm with the rest of us! See ya soon...and welcome least it was a beautiful day to come home to!
great pics / i had a blast too :) Katie Scott in st pete.
Love your pictures!! Can't wait to hear more and see some of the fun and exciting things you learned!!
I'm so glad you had a wonderful time. I get to meet with my friend that went on Wednesday and I hope she has her pictures ready.
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