Thursday, May 8, 2008

Little bits and pieces

So, I've got some bits and pieces to post about. You see, nothing terrible exciting has been happening, and nothing profound to comment about.

The first week of the month is always stressful for me because I have to get the law office billing done so we can get paid - so it is important! And, I have to pay our bills, something that requires some organization, concentration, and attention. Neither of these are chores I particularly like, and they are both chores that really scare me because I am terrible with numbers. A mistake is a real problem in either area, and it all just feels a bit overwhelming to me. So, every month, I start off grumpy, stressed and in full procrastination mode. I write today somewhat procrastinating in that only one of those chores is done. The other is now a day late, but will be happening tonight - no matter what! I promise! UGH!

To change the subject as quickly as possible look at this:

Wouldn't that make a cool stamp? It is a jalapeno pepper I used in my Chinese chicken salad to night, and I was struck with how cool it is. That all, just cool!

I want to give a bit of an update on my friend Jennifer. She is still in Seattle - remember I said she'll be there a very long time. She is really really sick. I don't know how else to say it. She's had her second round of chemo, and is doing as well as expected with it, but really what was expected isn't all that well. Another friend of our was there with her last week, and she returned with some reality for all of those (including myself to a certain extent) who had delusions that Jennifer was up and around with lots of naps and rests sprinkled throughout the day. Really, she is not up and around at all. If she has the strength and energy to sit up for 45 minutes, that is a really big deal. A bit of a dose of reality there. Bruce and Jen have their two daughters with them right now, which is good. Except, the girls got sick, then Jen got a fever (100.4) and ended up back in the hospital, so poor Bruce had to stay at the temporary housing with the girls and not be with Jen. Can you imagine how heart wrenching that must have been for Bruce? It breaks my heart to imagine his emotional turmoil over that!

Anyway, some wonderful women who love Jen are setting up a fundraiser for her, and I am going to play a small part in that - coordinating the silent auction. I'm glad to be a part of it, and overwhelmed by the generosity of time and energy and resources that people are giving to support Jen and her family. It is amazing to see how many parts of our community have been impacted by Jen and her family. They are amazing Christians who have served others in all sorts of setting. And they have done it with such grace and beauty that they have reflected Christ well! So, there are oodles of people wanting to help and make this a fun event as well as a practical event that brings some benefit to them. We've got about six weeks to pull this evening event together. Please pray for our success!

We don't have a specific amount as a goal yet, but I don't think the number is going to be small! Out of pocket expenses are terrible for them. As I've said before, they are good with their money, very responsible people. But, who can handle the sudden influx of tens and maybe even hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid medical bills after the insurance company lets you know what they will not pay for. Such a hard situation because I'm sure they feel like they are being punished both by the disease and by the devastation it is having on their financial plans. To go from people who work very hard to not carry debt at all to suddenly having huge numbers in the money owed column must be devastating! And the most amazing part? Bruce and Jennifer have an attitude that God will provide, and they will just ride with it without complaining. Wow! The faith of those two is such a learning opportunity for me!

Better shut up for today! I didn't think I had this much to say, but sometimes the fingers just type and type and suddenly I said a lot!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Even though i don't know your friend Jennifer..I'm still praying for her and her family.
Are you looking for donations for your auction? Good luck, I bet you'll get tons of things for such a worthy cause!