Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just a little something.

We're getting snow as I type - like well over 6 inches here. Really, I think I prefer that to the perpetual grey and brown of late winter that is no where near ready to become spring. The temps are in mid 20's, so it's pretty do-able. I'll try to get out tomorrow with camera before this all melts away.

This old Hollyhock is just beautiful, even in it's brown. I always think of my mom with Hollyhocks but it's a bit of a story. My mom was a wonderful gardener - do it yourself type in every way. We lived in rentals most of my growing up, but at each new house she would plant a flower garden and invest so much work into it. She loved Holly Hocks, but she had a friend (a BFF really), Cathy, who hated Hollyhocks. Cathy thought they looked like weeds when they were coming up and to my understanding, it frustrated Cathy to have a plant in her garden that she thought might be a weed. It was sort of a joke, and every time my mom referred to Hollyhocks she would comment that Cathy thought they were weeds So, every time I look at these plants I think of weeds. And I think of my mom.

Ended up teaching Kindergarten at J's school today - a nice half day sting. But, it got me a bit behind. I finished an envelope book for a class next Monday, but didn't get photos of it before I left it at the store. Also, taught a class last night, which went well - thank you ladies for your fun company as we worked through those pages.

Off to prepare for Bible Study in our home tonight (read: have to go clean the guest bathroom and do some other sprucing up around here!)


Houston said...

I love your photos! Hollyhocks are gorgeous, in my opinion, my Mom is just the same planting beautiful gardens in every house we lived in... some were rentals... now that she has her "permanent" house she is being so slow about building her garden, taking her time to choose everything and place it just so! I can't wait for her to come and help me design my garden this year!

Aimee Ann said...

beautiful shot, per usual. you take the best photos!

Lisa Dorsey said...

Love the story about the hollyhocks and how they remind you of your mom. My mom had a lilac bush in her yard that she loved. I can't smell that wonderful smell without thinking of her.