Wednesday, June 18, 2008

At Last! Baseball!

Finally got an evening where we could play! There were threatening dark clouds, claps of thunder and sprinkles of rain, but no one person said a word about those. After five canceled games in a row, we were playing ball no matter what. Just to make things even more interesting, the red team only had six players, so we didn't really have a game. Just a "two team practice" as Jansse called it. Each boy got to bat three times and play at least three different field positions. The coaches just worked with all the boys, whether on their team or not, and the boys had a great time.

Interesting that because we use metal bats the pitchers wear heart guards. Well, Jansse pitched (that means stand next to the coach and be bored) last night, but it was really more of a belly guard. Or a cup! Or at one point I think he was wearing it as an ascot. Oh well. He didn't get hit, so we won't complain!

Here are a few photos:

Yep, that would be a strike! A little early there Jansse.

Dancing next to the coach pitcher.
Imitating how the pitcher should be.
Waiting to bat.
That handsome couch again - wearing his "going to court" clothes under his jacket.

Good game everyone!

Great excitement over the snacks! We don't usually serve that much sugar in one sitting!

On the way home we got to visit our little neighbor, who was busy, but oh so cute. And, notice, since baseball was over, the sun returned.


Jen Martakis said...

Great b-ball photos. He looks like he is just having a blast.

I love the colt and mommy pic. So sweet!

Creative Junkie said...

those are great photos! i just tried taking some of my daughter's game last night and pretty much every one I took stunk.

I can't wait until my daughter's team starts counting strikes! They're starting to get a little more interesting now, with outs and runs but strikes would really perk it up!

Kristii said...

Fantastic photos Susan Beth!
Looks like he is having fun!!!!

vtpuggirl said...

Wow, wonder what is up with the baseball attracting the rain? You can see those angry clouds in the pictures!

mborrero said...

beautiful scenery!

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing photograper. I love all the photos. My kiddies are a little too young for organized sports right now but I can't wait until they can participate. Very exciting.