Friday, March 13, 2009

Under Achieving - A Bit Of A Ramble!

I think I've been a bit of an under achiever the past couple of years. Not because I have a law degree and don't practice law, but because I have not been efficient in my use of time. There are so many days when I just kind of wonder around my house, starting little projects and not finishing any of them. I have so many interests and ideas, but not much to show for them.

I love taking photographs like this one:

and this one:

But I'm pretty sure a business based on that passion is not going to produce the short term income that my family needs. Still, I'm thinking I need to get efficient in laying the ground work to do something new and different with photography - or at least give it a run for it's money, if you know what I mean!

These thoughts came to me as I have been looking at my various income producing options. I'm realizing that I need to be more efficient, regardless of what I do. I did have that blip of efficiency when I was studying for the bar, before I stopped. My days were full, and I did very little of the time wasting wondering around my house. I need to learn to be that way even when not facing a big deadline/challenge.

So, on the job search front: I am not going to drive a school bus - Andy hated that idea because it is not practical for me to be working while J is needing to get to and from school, and Andy can't always arrange his court and client schedule to accommodate J's transportation needs. Okay, that makes sense. And really, I should not have expected some easy answer to the challenge of finding a source of income.

God has sort of presented something that is way out of the box for me. I'm not going to say what it is until I decide if I'm going to do it. But let me just say even considering it has been a growth experience. It was totally unexpected! It is not without risk! It works as far as having flexibility of schedule. I'm unsure about a few things, mostly having to do with the fact that it is something I never imagined myself doing and it might involve a little re-defining myself in my own mind's eye.

As I've been pondering and praying for wisdom in deciding about this "opportunity" I prayed "God, if this is not the right thing, then please just drop something in my lap." Then, almost instantly, and with a sudden sense of complete humility, I realized in that still small voice sort of way, this is the thing He dropped in my lap. OH! MY! Might be time to get over myself.

At this point the thing holding me back from really pulling the trigger on this opportunity is needing to sit down with Andy and pray about it and discuss it. Andy has just been swamped at work and hasn't had the time for that. Hopefully this weekend we'll get an hour or two of peace and quiet to sit and talk and ponder and dream and ask all the "What if..." questions.

For those of you who know me well, indecision is not normal for me, and it is very uncomfortable. But I'm realizing that rush decisions are not always the best way either. As I said, this is producing some learning opportunities for me.

So, here is the last of the layouts I did last weekend.

Hoping to get to do more layouts this weekend - we'll see! That just might be part of my increased efficiency!

Have a great Friday and a wonderful beginning to the weekend!


Terri said...

Love Love Love this post.... I have been praying about the exact same issue daily.....

I just love how he takes me to a place where I am tested for faith and spiritual growth....

Have a wonderful weekend!

Denise said...

I have been inefficient lately, too. I used to be so good. :o) I have been working on being more efficient and hope that each day I get better. I really loved your post. It made me realize I am not alone. I hope you and Andy are able to find time to talk this over. I am sure whatever decision you make will be the right one.

vtpuggirl said...

Wonderful layout! Honestly, I have a hard time with sitting still (my kid didn't fall that far from the tree), so it is difficult for me to relate. But I often wish I had a little more type B personality, a balance would be the best thing. I hope the opportunity that you've been given is the one you've been waiting for.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that I was in your exact place a year ago and the Lord really showed me and encouraged me to take a leap of's been a heck of a year, but amazing as well. I loved the honesty of your post.