Saturday, December 6, 2008

Catch Up #3 - Family

Substituting in J's class room was a good thing to do, although it really does wear me out. The students are 14 of the best behaved children you could ever meet, and for that I am so thankful. I love getting a chance to see J in the class room environment. And it helps me to realize that many of the children face similar organizational challenges and struggle with paying attention to what they are doing.
The children have a great time with each other when they are out at recess, and here is proof that my son is not the only adventurous one - my guy is the second photo, the first photo is one of his classmates.
I should note that J's grades are back to where they were before Bo was killed - all A's and high B's, and I really believe that is because he is dealing with his grief better, so it doesn't fester and distract him at school. He frequently talks about Bo fondly and also mentions how he is sad that Bo dies. So, I think we are on to a healthy handling of that crisis, and it is not longer a crisis.
Andy continues to be busy with work, which is a good thing in this economy. I am not complaining these days when he works long hours because I know it is a blessing just to have work.
Both Andy and I have been battling the onset of colds, and today we both determined that we must succumb, so we stocked up on Dayquill and cough syrup. Bring it on and get it over with is our motto at this point.
It is beautiful here, and even with a cold, I crave being outside to see every bit of it I can.

1 comment:

liz mataraza said...

this picture just takes my breath away! it looks so cold...but sooo beautiful!