Both literally and figuratively.
It has me pensive as I watch black and white (either/or) thinking bring about a lot of hurt.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that there are no absolutes in life. Quite the opposite.
I think there is a right and a wrong, no question, and it is universal - none of this post-modern relativism for me. I do not ascribe to a world view that says "there is what's right and wrong for me, and then there is what is right and wrong for you. " I believe in a God who defined right and wrong universally and with authority, and I do not question his definitions.
I'm thinking more about how we treat each other. Either people are all good or their are all bad. If a good person does something wrong we don't know how to handle it - reject the person or stop thinking the behavior is wrong. If a "bad" person does something good we tear it down, degrade it, and reject it, even though the action is inherently good.
I'm seeing this acted out with people we know, and the result is so sad.
Why are we not able to love the person even if we hate the sin?
Well, now that I got that off my chest, time to cheer up a little and quick!
Keeping with the black and white theme, here are my guys in black and white for you.

Great pics! I love that last one!
Your work is great!! Glad that I found your blog!!!
I love the photographs :-) As for Black and White, some good thoughts. I think we forget the gentleness of teachings... cast not the first stone.... Yes, we all are sinners and yes we all are capable of great good. Just my take on it.
Have a lovely day and may troubles subside.
i agree! i've been troubled with the same thing lately. i've got a lot to say regarding this subject and need to write a post about it. (:
love the pics.
Boy you are philosophical today! Sometimes I think we need to take a look at our own selves and quit being so judgemental of others! Just my thought. Hope you have a great day and I love your black and white photos!!
Sometimes we need to gain fresh new perspective by getting our thoughts out there. :) Hope your day is great, love the b/w pics!
Nice photos...and I emailed you.
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