We went on a wonderful hike up to Blackmore Lake last evening. It was beautiful. And let me just tell you right from the front, yes we carried bear spray, and it is the first time I have ever unholstered mine and had it ready to go. Just as we were about 100 yards from the car on the way back down, I heard a bear. No question in my mind it was a bear growling. I did not see it in the brush, but it was there. I yelled at it as I was getting the spray out, and that probably is what scared it away - noise is my friend. This is the second time I've hiked up in that area, and the second time I've heard but not seen a bear in that area. Hum, think I see a trend here!
Anyway, J was a great hiker, no complaints although there was a lot of up to get to the lake. He brought his fishing gear - fly rod and this crazy pink rubber worm that his dad told him would not work, but he was convinced in his 8 year old mind was going to be an absolute success. Thus, the stubbornness begins!
A side note here, for those of you who have not yet heard me brag on my boy's fly fishing abilities. Put a rod in that kid's hands and he casts beautifully. Puts the fly where he wants it, when he wants it, with little or no effort. Amazing! Has taken me years to become a mediocre caster, and he just does it like it was breathing. Been that way since he was 4 or 5 years old.
So, as Andy is setting up the rod we get the long draw out conversation between them about whether or not they are going to use that pink worm. J is certain, Andy says not a good idea, J realizes that was not an out and out "NO!" so he pushes some more. I intervene and try to tell J that papa has said "No." J points out that actually he hasn't used that word, and he's been quiet for a while, and if J continues to talk he might give in. UGH!!!!!!! I'm ready to push the kid off the rock and into the lake because I'm so frustrated with him! But at the same time I wanted to burst out laughing because he was so wedded to an idea that just wouldn't work - and he would not let go of it. I do love him, so I didn't push him in the lake. To his credit he was cheerful the whole time he did presented his case, not whinny or fussy or angry, just absolutely determined he was right and we were wrong. I guess that is what you get when two attorneys have a child.
I'm telling you, the stubbornness of that boy may send me to the loony bin one of these days. Definitely on this weeks list to crack down on the back talk and the constant questioning of every single thing we ask of him. Love his zest for life, but it needs a little reining in right now!
Oh, and I'm including this one last photo, which is not the greatest quality due to fading light as we were walking back down to the car, but it is the absolute slenderest I have looked in years! It's deceptive, I'm not really that slender, but I will cherish this photo until I am really like that or better!
Have a great day!
I hear ya about the photo thing, and pics of yourself. I think that pic is great! I love that first one. HOW BEAUTIFUL. Gosh, i would love to meet you and see that same enthusiasm I see on your blog in person!!! :-)
Sounds like you made your boy happy - and what beautiful scenery you photographed! Have a fun week.
2 attorneys, no wonder he is stubborn! And smart, and determined. He sounds like a good kid. And yikes about the bear!! Still LOL about your comment on my blog.
i think after almost running into a bear the first time would be enough for me! what great exercise! looks like fun
ok, anytime you need a yankee who happens to live in tx to come and visit, just give me a holler. bears and all.
OK...I couldn't get over your unharnessing your bear spray. If it were me, I would have been running while wetting my pants. Probably not the thing to do when a bear is about. LOL!
I love my daily dose of Montana. Its so comforting to read about and beautiful to look at. You really do look slender; keep up the hiking!
Love all of your wonderful pics! You definitely look very slender. ;)
Great pics, it looks like a fun time! Yeah, with mine and DH's stubborn genes, our kids are in for it, too, lol!
You are so brave to be hiking up there with the bears!! I prefer to hike where there is less chance for encounters! I know I am missing out on tremendous beauty...but....
Just remember...
Stubborness used for the kingdom of God is a wonderful thing!!! Training up that child is the difficult part!! You are a great mom and Jansse will be a great warrior for the kingdome!
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